The credit-union accounts typically offer an annual interest rate and have no fees. 这种信用合作账户通常会每年提供派息,而且不收取任何费用。
Please tell me what the annual interest rate is. 请告诉我年利率是多少。
What's the annual interest rate? 存款的年利率是多少?
Currently, annual interest rates fluctuate between 1% and 2%. 目前此类贷款的年利率在1%和2%之间波动。
The annual interest payable on these loans was last. 这些贷款应付的年息数额很大。
I.O.U.three thousand U.S.dollars ( U.S.$ 3000) only, within one year from this date with annual interest at four percent ( 4%). 兹借查尔斯·格林先生叁仟美元(U.S。$3000),年息四厘,自即日算起,一年内归还。
What's the annual interest rate? 'Almost eighteen years.' 年息(率)是多少?差不多十八年。
Annual interest costs on it would exceed the US defence budget and the whole category of discretionary spending. 这些债务每年的利息成本将超过美国的国防预算和整类可自由支配开支(discretionaryspending)。
A Government Decree and Social Customs: The Case of "Annual Interest Rate Below 20%" Issued by the Kuomintang Government 政府法令与民间惯行:以国民政府颁行年利20%为中心市政府组织法第&号法令
In lending to private equity, it seems, they are once more issuing so called covenant-lite and payment-in-kind loans, whereby borrowers are freed from irksome conditions and can pay their annual interest by simply borrowing more. 在向私人股本提供信贷方面,他们似乎已再次发行所谓的“低门槛”贷款和“实物支付”贷款借款人由此可以避免烦人的条款,并可通过借入更多款项来支付每年的利息。
The actual cost of borrowing money, expressed in the form of an annual interest rate. 实际借款成本,以年利率的方式表达。
The bonds will earn investors an annual interest rate of just 3 per cent. 该债券将为投资者带来的年利率仅为3%。
That's great, but what's the annual interest rate for this kind of account? 太好了。那么这种帐户的年利率是多少?
To manage funds for wealthy clients, a money broker in Zhejiang Province said he had to promise more than 20 per cent in annual interest, or around 6 times the benchmark deposit rate. 浙江一位从事短期借贷中介业务的经纪人表示,为了给有钱客户管理资金,他不得不许下年息20%以上的承诺,这大致相当于基准存款利率的6倍。
The US banking industry could lose billions of dollars in annual interest payments, according to a study that warns of credit card lenders raising prices following a regulatory overhaul. 一项研究报告指出,在相关法规修改后,信用卡商可能会提高利率,美国银行业每年将损失上百亿美元利息收入。
Thereafter, homebuyers go to high street banks for a mortgage, typically at about 12 per cent annual interest. 此后,购房者会到商业银行申请贷款,年息一般是12%左右。
Especially cash-strapped developers are forced to borrow from the domestic curb market at annual interest rates as high as40%. 特别是一些缺少现金的开发商被迫从民间借贷的年利率高达40%。
Coupon rate refers to the annual interest rate as a percentage of the par value of a bond. 息票率指债券的年利率,相当于债券面值的某个百分比。
When they have established a record of regular deposits, they are eligible for bank loans with annual interest rates far lower than the 60 per cent charged by local loan sharks. 当她们定期存款一段时间后,她们就可以获得银行发放的低息贷款。这些贷款的年利率要比当地高利贷低60%。
However, some insiders said that could be difficult to implement because those securities rank as debt in the company's capital structure and pay an annual interest rate, giving holders little incentive to exchange them for common shares. 但一些内部人士表示,这一点可能很难实现,因这些证券在花旗的资本结构中被列为债务,并支付年息,这使其持有者几乎没有动力将其转换为普通股。
A savings account yields an annual interest of3.8%. 储蓄帐户年利率为3.8%。
Interest rates by observing the history of our country found that the annual interest rate has remained stable 2004-2006, the 2006-2007 rates were adjusted to 7 times, frequent fluctuations. 通过观察我国利率的历史情况发现2004-2006年利率一直保持稳定,而2006-2007对利率一共调整了7次,波动很频繁。